
Please spy check please, Fucking retard

Left 4 Dead 2 - Update

  • Added new startup and connect warnings if the player has -insecure in the launch options
  • Protected against a crash in infected ragdolls
  • Added fallbacks to common infected spawning to prevent a common crash when population data is missing
  • Fixed a bug that allowed malicious servers to execute restricted console commands on players
  • Fixed a bug that allowed malicious servers to prevent players from executing console commands
  • Fixed incorrect "Survivors Have Escaped" state for Player Infected when a scripted crescendo event is played after a successful finale escape.
  • Update to Confogl mutation to fix a possible crash on team swap
  • If you are receiving an "Error 55" while connecting to dedicated servers, please make sure to accept the Steam Beta update then restart Steam.


  • Fixed incorrect "Survivors Have Escaped" state for Player Infected when a scripted crescendo event is played after a successful finale escape. (スワンプのフィナーレで即座にクリアしたことになっちゃうバグを修正した)


