#!/bin/env ruby require 'webrick' srv = WEBrick::HTTPServer.new(:BindAddress => '', :Port => 20080) srv.mount_proc("/test"){ |req, res| res["Content-Disposition"] = 'attachment; filename="./tmp/hogehoge.txt"' res.body = "test" } trap("INT"){ srv.shutdown } srv.start
$ wget --content-disposition http://localhost:20080/test --2012-11-06 15:34:35-- http://localhost:20080/test Resolving localhost..., ::1, fe80::1 Connecting to localhost||:20080... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 4 Saving to: `hogehoge.txt' 100%[=========================================>] 4 --.-K/s in 0s 2012-11-06 15:34:35 (651 KB/s) - `hogehoge.txt' saved [4/4]
fuba博士いわく「RFC にも将来的にはオプションでありえるかもしれんけど今はディレクトリとか対応するのやめとけって書いてあった」って書いてあったので調べてみたら
It is important that the receiving MUA not blindly use the suggested filename. The suggested filename SHOULD be checked (and possibly changed) to see that it conforms to local filesystem conventions, does not overwrite an existing file, and does not present a security problem (see Security Considerations below). The receiving MUA SHOULD NOT respect any directory path information that may seem to be present in the filename parameter. The filename should be treated as a terminal component only. Portable specification of directory paths might possibly be done in the future via a separate Content-Disposition parameter, but no provision is made for it in this draft.
o Recipients MUST NOT be able to write into any location other than one to which they are specifically entitled. To illustrate the problem, consider the consequences of being able to overwrite well-known system locations (such as "/etc/passwd"). One strategy to achieve this is to never trust folder name information in the filename parameter, for instance by stripping all but the last path segment and only considering the actual filename (where 'path segments' are the components of the field value delimited by the path separator characters "\" and "/").
さっきと同じようなことが書いてあって、/etc/passwordみたいなファイル上書きされるとやべぇだろ? それに対する一つの戦略として、filenameパラメーターのフォルダ名の情報をけして信用するなと。たとえば「for instance, stripping all but the last path segment and only considering the actual filename」ってことでファイル名の最後の部分のみを採用する、みたいな